Spider-Man has been named the first superhero ambassador for Earth Hour. The stars of Amazing Spider-Man 2 – Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone and Jamie Foxx – have pledged to support one Earth Hour Blue crowdfunding project each.
“Earth Hour isn’t just about lights off; it’s about people across the world coming together throughout the year to join forces to improve the planet. Never underestimate your power; never underestimate what you can do,” said Jamie Foxx.
Earth Hour is a global movement uniting people to protect the planet. Towards the end of March every year, Earth Hour brings together communities from across the world celebrating a commitment to the planet by switching off lights for one designated hour.
You can learn more about Earth Hour here.
A new behind the scenes featurette chronicles this blockbuster’s efforts to be environmentally responsible. At the same time, it shows off some new footage, settings, and plot points from the much-hyped sequel.