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5 thoughts on “Foxxhole Radio: Quentin Tarantino Interview (Dec. 14, 2012)

  1. Thanks for posting this. Everytime I would listen on XMradio, I would catch the same spot, everytime! Now I can listen to the whole thing. Great interview, by the way. (at least the parts I’ve heard) LOL

  2. Well, Eric everyone saying Django is a real good movie even knowing its 3 hours long its well worth the money to see it. I think you a very awesome guy in so many ways you have done everything you wanted in life so all I can say good has bless you from birth until now and set your path in life to have prosperity.

    Love, Ingrid

    Ingrid Jackson says:
  3. Listened to interview several times while shopping over the holidays. Told everyone about it so I’m glad to now have the link to share. Loved the movie as well:-)

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