During the course of her career, actress Kerry Washington has played the wife of Jamie Foxx in two films — “Ray” and Quentin Tarantino’s upcoming “Django Unchained.” In this “Oprah’s Next Chapter” clip, Oprah asks Kerry, “Do you think [Jamie Foxx] would make a good husband in real life? Not necessarily for you…”
Kerry says, “Yeah, not for me… He’s a great movie husband for me. But in real-life… I do [think he would be a good husband]! Jamie’s a good soul.”
“What was like working with him?” asks Oprah.
“I could not have done [that film] without Jamie,” says Kerry. “This character required me to go places that were unimaginable. And it really pushed me to the edge of my sanity… And if I didn’t have Jamie — somebody who I so love and respect and admire — as my partner, I couldn’t have done it.”
“Oprah’s Next Chapter” with Jamie Foxx airs Sunday, Dec. 16 at 9 p.m. ET on OWN.