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Corinne Foxx Covers “American Cheerleader”

Jamie Foxx’s daughter Corinne is featured on the cover of the December issue of American Cheerleader magazine.

Jamie tells AC of his daughter, “Corinne and her friends live an interesting life—being somewhat a part of Hollywood—and sometimes they miss out on normal things. So when she said she was was going to be a cheerleader, I was like ‘Wow! That’s great!’ When she shares moments at games with her teammates, those are the things that she’ll take to her grave; she’ll be able to call up her friends and say, ‘Man, remember that night?’ And kids in Hollywood sometimes miss out on that regular, cool stuff.”

Super proud of his daughter, Jamie was actually at the shoot and even flew some of their family in for it! How cool!

Source: JustJaredJr

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